Registration dates and times are August7, 3pm to 7pm and August 8, 8am to 12pm.
Parents/guardians of returning students and returning students can check for schedules and also pay some fees if you want. Even though all the fees may not show properly, payments can still be made online and will be applied to the proper account.
You can find more information about the school year and documents needed for registration on the school's website in the documents section. Here is a link
Parents/guardians of new students and new students, if parents/guardians provided email addresses on data forms turned into the high school at freshmen orientation and the information has been entered into the teacherease system you should have received an email about logging into the teacherease system. Some information is still being entered. New students, you will be given an email address once all required paperwork is returned. Incoming freshmen will need an up to date physical.
If you plan on participating in athletics, please make sure you get your up to date physical, waiver form and IHSA concussion form turned into the office.
Practices for cross country, football and volleyball can begin on August 7, 2023. More information to come.